ICAP will host its annual Educational Summit Wednesday, July 20, at the Hilton Garden Inn in Johnston. The seminar, which is exclusive to ICAP members and representatives, will feature an interactive presentation on the threat of active shooters, and will provide attendees valuable information to help limit their entities' potential for such a scenario and related loss.
The Summit will be led by Dr. Mike Clumpier, President and CEO of Threat Suppression, Inc., and a law enforcement officer and educator with more than 25 years of experience in the field. The information offered will be tailored to meet the needs of elected officials, municipal leaders and public safety officials. Through discussions and Dr. Clumpner's presentation, attendees will gain information to help them better understand the nature of such a threat and identify the overarching objectives that public safety responders must accomplish in order to help mitigate associated risks.
Dr. Clumpner's presentation will also provide data on active shooter events; this data will aid attendees in gauging the needs and risks of an active shooter(s) in their own community.
The Summit will last from 10 AM - 3 PM, with registration opening at 9 AM. Lunch will be provided.
As attendance will be limited and several hundred member representatives are expected to attend, advance registration will be required. Register now via the link below!
To learn more about Dr. Mike Clumpner or Threat Suppression, Inc., please click here.