Monthly tidbits to improve your cybersecurity posture

1.29.25 - For years, we’ve been reporting “cyber crime is the world’s fasted growing crime” and public entities are a specific target. The 2023 FBI Internet Crime Report states government entities were the third most-targeted sector by ransomware in 2023. State and local governments have become increasingly the target of ransomware attacks due to a failure to invest in critical infrastructure that might help protect their entity against related risks.

1.2.2025 - Did you know ICAP members have access to monthly, non-invasive URL scans that help identify open ports and other cyber exposures for a given entity? The scans are offered complimentary to all members who purchase cyber liability coverage through the Pool.

Previously offered at a limit of $250,000, ICAP can now provide all members a limit option up to $1 million for cyber liability coverage. The Pool can also quote $2M and $3M limit options by request.