Spring is in the Air!

Anyone else feeling as excited about today’s weather forecast as I am?

It’s a chilly start to the day, but it sounds like it’s going to be an incredible afternoon. Spring is in the air!

And with spring comes a number of news updates and events that are relevant to the Pool.

We’re excited to bring them to you in this new, easy-to-navigate format, which provides brief news highlights/notices with additional information available via the relevant hyperlink. We hope you find the site useful, and are available to answer any and all questions you might have.

If you’re looking for more information on a given event, need help registering or anything else, simply shoot us an email to info@icapiowa.com.


The City of Marshalltown is Hosting a Grand Opening of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum - and We're Excited.


Meet Jack Seward, ICAP's Newest Board Member!