ICAP Q&A Sessions Start Next Week
How’s everyone doing out there? We’re just a month-and-a-half into the year, and we must say, it’s already brought its share of challenges.
We know everyone is feeling it, public entities included.
In a meeting yesterday, we heard that municipalities are facing many hurdles, tight budgets and time-strapped employees among them.
We’re also aware there are a number of new legislative changes that have impacted ICAP members, and we want everyone - members and non-members alike - to know we are here for Iowa public entities. And we, as a Pool, and also as individuals, have resources that can help.
You can always scroll through our services page to learn about some of the many resources, services and trainings that are included with your ICAP membership.
Understanding many of you don’t have time to do that, though, we invite you to drop in and ask us any questions via Zoom next week.
For the convenience of municipal employees, we’ve scheduled two short Zoom sessions when anyone can hop online and ask us anything. This is true for both members and non-members alike.
If you have questions about ICAP services, want to know more about what’s included with membership, are looking for a quote (or anything else), join us via the information below!
Join us Monday, February 15, anytime between 9:30 and 10 AM.
Meeting ID: 992 0511 9060
One tap mobile: +12532158782,,99205119060# US
Join us Friday, February 19, anytime between 9:30 and 10 AM.
Meeting ID: 964 5300 8312
One tap mobile: +16465588656,,96453008312# US
Agents, you’re invited, too! Advance registration is not required.